Software Release Update
Although we had been playing to release new versions of iHRIS Manage and iHRIS Qualify in July, as well as Version 1.0 of iHRIS Plan, we had to delay those releases. Our new targeted release date is August 15 for all three systems.
Why the delay? We want to release all of the updated systems at the same time because they use a lot of common code that is also getting a major overhaul. We also want to thoroughly test each system and clean up as many bugs as possible before releasing them publicly. Finally, we want to make sure the user's manuals and other documentation are up to date.
We are excited about these releases because they represent major steps forward in our software development. iHRIS Plan, workforce planning and modeling software, is the final component in the iHRIS suite. Version 1.0 will enable health workforce planners to project required and actual health workers as well as associated costs. We will pilot iHRIS Plan in Namibia in August and September and expect to release Version 2.0 in the following months with even more features.
As for Manage and Qualify, Version 3.1 includes the ability to build reports and customize report views. This will greatly enhance users' ability to analyze and report on the HRIS data. In addition, we have developed a brand-new module for managing in-service training courses for employees. HR managers will be able to track and report on the trainings completed by employees, the continuing professional development credits earned and the competencies gained from those trainings. We are piloting the in-service training management module in Zanzibar right now, and will incorporate feedback from that pilot in the 3.1 release.
Look for all three of these new releases in August. We hope that you will be as excited by the upgrades as we are.