iHRIS Foundation Advisory Council
IntraHealth International launched the iHRIS Foundation to manage the continuing growth of iHRIS while ensuring that community needs are met. IntraHealth International and its staff support the four main assets of the Foundation:
- The core iHRIS software development and documentation efforts,
- The iHRIS deployment footprint in over 24 countries around the world,
- The stakeholder community of over 300 Google Group and Slack Channel subscribers,
- Potential stakeholders interested in improving healthcare human resource systems.
The iHRIS Foundation is guided by the Advisory Council, to help IntraHealth and the larger iHRIS community build upon the success of iHRIS by setting goals and objectives for its future.
The Advisory Council has three main responsibilities:
- Listen to and engage with the iHRIS community and its stakeholders, synthesizing their ongoing needs, expectations, and aspirations.
- Serve as leaders of the iHRIS community and be the voice of the community and its stakeholders to IntraHealth staff and to the larger global health ecosystem.
- Advise IntraHealth and the iHRIS community on the activities and actions all stakeholders can take to grow iHRIS influence, usage, and impact.
IntraHealth will ask the Council for guidance and support on core iHRIS Foundation activities, presenting major changes and initiatives to the Council for its feedback, and solicit new ideas from it to improve IntraHealth’s software development and community engagement actions. IntraHealth will give great weight to the Council’s advice and recommendations, and seek ways to directly engage Council members in IntraHealth’s efforts to grow iHRIS influence, usage, and impact.
Advisory Council Composition
The Advisory Council for the iHRIS Foundation will consist of up to 9 individual members who can serve up to three consecutive two-year terms. Members serve as individuals who can provide perspectives from different types of stakeholder organizations, not as representatives of a specific organization.
The initial members of the Advisory Council include:
- Wilfred Kazungu, Kenya Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation
- Juma Lungo, University Dar es Salaam
- Phedra Elayeb, Agence Européenne pour le Développement et la Santé
- Kayode Odusote, Foundation for Sustainable Health Development
- Wayan Vota, IntraHealth International - Chair
- Luke Duncan, IntraHealth International - Observer
Future members will be proposed by the Council itself and the iHRIS community as a whole.
Advisory Council Activities
The members of the Advisory Council will support the Foundation by providing technical leadership, community know-how, industry acumen and legal guidance through two core activities:
Attending six meetings a year, usually held every other month via teleconference:
- Meetings will generally follow a previously communicated agenda, seek insight and feedback from all participants, and use the Robert’s Rules of Order. A quorum will be achieved when a majority of Council members are present.
- Twice a year, the meeting will focus on a review and endorsement of iHRIS Foundation activity, requiring majority approval. Any modifications of these Terms of Reference requires ⅔ approval.
- Meeting minutes will be publicly posted on the iHRIS website. Community members can join the meeting upon request and approval by the Council.
- Council members can have a named substitute to attend meetings and vote on their behalf with approval from the chair.
Spending 2-4 hours a month outside the calls on efforts supporting the iHRIS Foundation:
- Listening to and advising IntraHealth and the iHRIS community and its stakeholders on the actions, activity, and goals that can increase iHRIS influence, usage and impact.
- Supporting fundraising efforts to secure more resources for iHRIS and the community.
- Being advocates of iHRIS both within the community and in public settings, particularly in international fora.
Council members will not be compensated for their time, however, travel and incidental expenses may be reimbursed to offset the direct costs of their participation.
Get Engaged
If you’d like to join the Advisory Council and provide technical leadership, community know-how, industry acumen and legal advice, or want more information about the Council, please contact us.