Regional Meeting Brings HRIS Practitioners Together
The Capacity Project, in collaboration with the East, Central and Southern Africa (ECSA) Health Community and WHO, conducted the “Africa Regional Meeting on Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS): Taking Stock, Sharing Lessons and Setting the Agenda for the Future” on April 20-24 in Arusha, Tanzania. Over 50 HR managers and technology experts represented ten countries where the Capacity Project has been working to strengthen HRIS, joined by representatives from organizations including I-TECH and Health Metrics Network. Participants expanded their knowledge of HRIS strengthening activities in the ECSA region, shared best practices, identified challenges and established plans for improving HRIS. Highlights of the meeting included disseminating the Project’s HRIS Toolkit, conducting usability testing of the Project’s software, building capacity for HRIS development and enhancing skills in using HR information for policy and planning, along with fostering a network of HRIS practitioners and experts in different countries who can share ideas and offer technical assistance.