Tanzanian Hospital Requests Assistance to Implement iHRIS Manage
The Tanzania Human Resource Capacity Project (THRCP), a Capacity Project Associate Award, recently received a formal request from the Mission Mikocheni Hospital (MMH) for technical assistance to implement iHRIS Manage. The MMH, located in Dar es Salaam, is a nonprofit NGO, whose goal is to offer medical services to anyone regardless of color, belief, social status, gender, or ethnic background. The hospital employees 260 staff and operates 150 patient beds.
In the letter, the acting director general of MMH advised the hospital has a strong need to install and develop iHRIS Manage as a tool to facilitate HR functions and management. He also wrote that the hospital sees iHRIS Manage as not only fulfilling an operations need but also useful as an HR planning tool.
The formal request was a follow up to a recent discussion with Bakari Bakari, HRIS specialist for THRCP, regarding iHRIS Manage installation and support requirements. In response, Bakari shared the request with the Christian Social Services Commission, which provides support for the private sector with assistance from THRCP. Bakari realizes the potential of having the hospital using iHRIS Manage, and is looking into having the MMH ICT person included in an upcoming iHRIS training and adding him to the Tanzania HRIS group forum.
This is the first such technical assistance request received independent of the designated stakeholders of THRCP. Angela Self, HRIS Advisor for THRCP and other IntraHealth projects, sees this as a positive sign that, “the work of iHRIS in Tanzania is spreading, apparently with positive reviews.”