Strengthening of HR Information System Progresses in Southern Sudan
Capacity Project HRIS staff recently traveled to Southern Sudan and met with the newly appointed MOH undersecretary and HR director general to brief them on the status of implementing a national HRIS. They discussed how information should flow from health facilities to the states and then on to the central HRIS located in the MOH. A team of local Project and MOH staff recently finished collecting data on qualified health workers from all health facilities in the ten states. Visiting Project staff worked with the local team to clean the data, select HR indicators (based on the country’s strategic health plan) and develop reports including staff and health facility lists, retirement statistics and registration with professional councils. The reports were presented to MOH managers, who provided feedback for refinement. Next steps are to complete data entry and link the HRIS to other existing systems, such as the monitoring and evaluation system located in the Research and Planning Directorate. Southern Sudan will then have a complete picture of the available health workforce for planning and management.