Regional iHRIS Champion Visits to Share Successes

Professor Kayode Odusote works with countries in West Africa to effectively track, manage, and plan their health workforce using our open source iHRIS software. He recently traveled from his home country of Nigeria to share his successes and lessons learned at several meetings. 

Until last December, Professor Odusote was the director of human resources for health for the West African Health Organization (WAHO). While working for WAHO, he downloaded iHRIS from our website and adapted it for a pilot in Ghana. The success of the pilot fueled a regional movement and now Dr. Odusote works with other nearby countries—including Mali, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Togo— to modify and implement iHRIS to identify and address health workforce challenges.

Over the last two weeks, Dr. Odusote presented his work to foster independent deployment and country ownership of iHRIS in his region at the following meetings:

  • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Public Health Informatics Conference in Atlanta, GA
  • An interactive webinar with the global iHRIS team, including participants from Botswana, Lesotho, and South Africa
  • A brown bag at IntraHealth International in Chapel Hill, NC with guests from Columbia University, Duke University, Family Health Ministries, MEASURE Evaluation, North Carolina Central University, and the University of North Carolina
  • A meeting with representatives from USAID, the Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, and collaborating projects and organizations in Washington, DC