JIRA for iHRIS Bug and Feature Tracking
We have some special news. There is now an open JIRA issue tracker for the iHRIS suite of workforce management tools at https://rt.ihris.org/jira/login.jsp Anyone can sign up for an account to watch or create an issue, such as to log a bug or request a feature. IntraHealth has been using JIRA since late last year at IntraHealth and have had a great experience with it.
- For important announcements, please makes sure to sign-up for the Google Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ihris
- For day-to-day support, there is a Slack team for real-time communications, especially about development. Get an invitation here: https://www.ihris.org/join-ihris-on-slack/?action=slack-invitation
- The iHRIS Implementer’s Toolkit will help you plan all stages of an implementation: https://www.ihris.org/toolkit-new/
- Free eLearning Courses are available for iHRIS Users and Administrators: https://www.hrhresourcecenter.org/elearning/
- The iHRIS Developer's’ Guide has in-depth information on applications and technical documentation: https://www.ihris.org/implementers/developers-guide/