iHRIS Training Management Software Presented at Summit in DC
On February 5, the Capacity Project’s Dykki Settle, Informatics Director, and Luke Duncan, Senior Systems Developer, presented the iHRIS software suite’s training management module at a Training Management Systems Summit in Arlington, VA. The module is compatible with the Project’s iHRIS Manage software (an HR management system) and iHRIS Qualify software (a training and licensure tracking database), and enables HR departments to schedule employees for trainings, evaluate their performance and track competencies and continuing education credits. The Non-Profit Organizations Knowledge Initiative (NPOKI) -- a collaboration of international health organizations, funders, partners, and nongovernmental organizations -- hosted the meeting, which focused on better aligning systems in order to decrease the burden of data collection in low-resource countries. Attendees included those who manage trainings, buy or build training systems and collect data from the field for project management and and reporting. In March, a follow-up meeting for NPOKI members will be held at IntraHealth International's office in Chapel Hill, NC and will feature a demonstration of the entire iHRIS suite.