HRIS Interns Share Thoughts on First Weeks
After two weeks participating in the Uganda Capacity Program’s HRIS internship program, the six interns were asked to write about their experiences. Their responses were very positive. Here are some excerpts from what they shared:
“I have been able to interface with the Ubuntu platform, install SSH (a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged) and use it for remote login and sharing files, install iHRIS Manage and Qualify… If we continue at this pace, am sure by the end of the six months I will be a consultant as far as the IT environment and HRIS are concerned.” – Barbara Nansamba
“It's truly been a learning experience. What I've been exposed to in just two weeks would probably take an entire semester at the University.” - Barbara Wamala
“I have got experience in working with Linux, especially Ubuntu… I have also got knowledge about SSH for remote connection. Also tried to learn some programming languages like xml, object oriented PHP and javascript that were used in development of the system.” - Bridget Magoba
“…I always look forward to coming to work. My interaction with iHRIS has given me an insight on how to better create and design large secure systems. I had never really interacted with Ubuntu but am getting to be a bit good at it.” - Norbert Mijumbi
“I have been exposed to a lot of things that I was never used to. I am basically happy with the way I am getting used to Linux Operating System.” - Stephen Ocaya
“IntraHealth for just two weeks has been a great experience for me. At IntraHealth I have already acquired good skills in Linux… and I feel like a better computer programmer.” - Dennis Kibiye
Read more about the internship program here.