Cross-Ministerial Cooperation in Namibia
Namibia is proving to be a model of government cooperation as they roll out their HRIS. The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) purchased an Oracle-based product which will be used in all Ministries for human resources and financial information. The Ministry of Health is working to adopt this system by transfering their paper-based HR records into electronic format. When they finish entering the 8,000+ records the OPM will assist with a data quality audit to ensure the information is of good quality before moving to the new HRIS. Other Ministries are undergoing the same process and within the next 6 months all will be sharing information with the OPM via the new system.
Thus far the system does not allow for sharing of information by non-government agencies. The Capacity Project will assist the Ministry of Health with liking to the parastatals and faith-based health organizations so they will have a complete picture of the health care available in Namibia. Look for additional Capacity-sponsored strengthening activities in the upcoming months.