Code Bounty: Decentralized iHRIS Documentation

  • Code Bounty: Decentralized iHRIS Documentation


1. Background and Objectives

The Ministry of Heath in Ghana has piloted the iHRIS Manage software in the Northern Region and the Tamale Teaching Hospital. They intend on having a decentralized iHRIS system consisting of the 10 regions as well as the national teaching and referral hospitals. They wish to aggregate the data collected at the regional level to a national site.

2. Responsibilities and Detailed List of Tasks

The Consultant will document the process of establishing a decentralized iHRIS implementation which aggregates to the national level. The documentation will:

  • Include a high level overview of decentralized iHRIS
  • Discuss the need for standardized data lists
  • Describe the technical means to implement decentralized iHRIS customizations for Ghana Due to the existing pilot implementations for which a standardized data list was not used, the Consultant will also document the process of:
  • Merging existing database lists into a standardized database list
  • Remapping the existing lists and data fields that refer to those lists, to the newly developed standardized database list

3. Deliverables

  • Documentation on on the decentralized iHRIS implementation
  • Excel spreadsheet for the MOH Ghana to use to determine which forms will be standardized at the central level, and which will be maintained at the regional level. The forms listed in the spreadsheet will be those that are in the Ghana customizations.
  • Documentation on on how to "remap" the existing IDs.
  • Source code under the Ghana project at which will begin the decentralized iHRIS installation for Ghana. Accompanying documentation on how the sites should be implemented (see this for a reference example) should be added to All documentation will be under a Creative Commons license. All source code will be GPLV3. Deliverables due one week from beginning of contract.

4. Location: Accra, Ghana

5. Duration of Consultancy
The duration for carrying out this consultation is estimated at 10 days. This assignment is expected to take place during October 2011 for completion in November 2011.

6. Qualifications

  • Experience in maintaining decentralized iHRIS installation
  • Experience in documenting iHRIS
  • Experience in maintaining standardized lists in iHRIS

IntraHealth is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.

7. Submission of Application

Please submit a resume, CV, and cover letter (expressing how your knowledge, skills and abilities are a direct match for position description), salary history and three professional references at Place the job/position title in the subject line. Resumes that do not match the Knowledge and Expertise will not be considered. No phone calls please. Applications received after October 6, 2011 will be rejected.