The 36th Annual Global Health Council Conference

Back in January, I was invited to participate as a Technical Leader for this year’s Global Health Council Conference: New Technologies + Proven Strategies = Healthy Communities  Many conversations, meetings, planning, and emails later, this week we stand in the midst of the best GHC Conference I have yet attended.

Already this week I have heard great panels on mHealth, eLearning, and open source for global health, subjects you know are near and dear to my heart. Closer to home, IntraHealth announced the winners of the Indaba/OPEN remix contest and held it’s inaugural OPEN Council meeting concurrent with the GHC conference. Capacity’s HRIS Team Danny DeVries led a workshop on GIS, and tonight we have our grand health worker information expo... Health Workforce: Better Data, Better Decisions.

This last event will be from 5:30-7:30 today in the Ambassador Ballroom, and will feature live demos of our iHRIS software, free flash drives with software and Tookits, a chance to win a free iPod Touch, and much more. Please join us if you can.

Looking ahead into the rest of the week, here is a list of the panels I am most excited about…

8:15-9:35 Plenary: The eHealth Blueprint: Building the Foundation for Integrated Health Systems
9:35-10:15 Facts and Fiction about Global Health (this is HANS ROSLING from the Karolinska Institute and Gapminder, don’t miss it!)
10:45-12:30 On the Move: Mobile Health
3:30-5:15 Case Study: Developing Public Goods and Intellectual Capacity through Collaboration: The OpenMRS

10:45-12:30 Tools for Implementers (Bill Lester, Executive Director of the Non-Profit Organization Knowledge Initiative will moderate)
2:30-4:15 Come see the panel I am moderating Improved Health through Knowledge Networks … If not, you don’t want to miss Health Workforce: Addressing the Crisis moderated by Capacity Project Executive Director Anne Wilson, featuring the HRIS Strengthening Team’s Samwel Wakibi presenting our work in Uganda

8:45-11:30 Pharmaceutical and Logistical Information Systems

If you can’t make it to our expo tonight, please find me on twitter @dykki, or comment and let me know you’re here. I look forward to seeing you as this excellent and groundbreaking conference unfolds.