New Voices Article on Regional HRIS Strengthening

CapacityPlus Voices #1 is now available! This is the first in the new series (there was a Voices series for the former Capacity Project), and I’m excited that it’s about our partnership with the West African Health Organization (WAHO) to strengthen HRIS in its member countries.

I love the Voices series by Sarah Dwyer, our communications manager, because she uses people’s own words to share the impact of the project's work. Since I work in Chapel Hill, NC I also like that she usually focuses on people who are working “on the ground."

In “Worth More than Any Money:” Building Local Capacity in Health Worker Information Systems,  Sarah focuses on the experiences of Professor Kayode Odusote, WAHO’s director of HR development, as he works to strengthen HRIS regionally. Read the article to learn how receiving a demo of the iHRIS software on DVD led to a pilot of the iHRIS Manage software in Ghana, and how that pilot is inspiring other countries in the region to also adopt the iHRIS software.

To learn more, read the complete Voices article. Also, read Sarah's personal blog and her related news article.