Capacity Project Advances Implementation of Health Workforce Data Collection in Rwanda
In accordance with the data collection plan presented to the Rwanda Ministry of Health (MOH) Human Resources for Health Working Group in May, Capacity Project staff created a standardized data collection form for use at the district level. The new Excel form is in French and English, and includes simple, built-in features to ensure data consistency and reduce errors. It is being tested in two districts, where bimonthly updates will be submitted to the MOH and imported into the central system that uses the Project’s iHRIS Manage software. The form is designed to be an easy-to-use data collection method for districts that lack the consistent Internet access required to enter data directly into the central iHRIS Manage web-based interface. Next steps include a system upgrade to iHRIS Manage 2.0, a workshop on data for decision-making and the development of offline tools including a database that can be synchronized with the centralized system to link all districts and ministries to the MOH. With routine data collection and the use of the new form, data will be consistent across all districts and facilities and decision-makers will be able to respond quickly to workforce changes.