Building Stronger Human Resources for Health through Licensure, Certification and Accreditation
Credentialing of health care providers is an integral component in building and sustaining robust human resources for health (HRH) systems. Credentialing mechanisms such as licensure, registration and certification are among the most frequently used quality assurance tools in health care. iHRIS Qualify, one component of our iHRIS Suite of HR information systems, supports licensure and certification authorities by enabling them to more easily record, update and report on training, registration licensing and certification for a cadre of health workers.
The Capacity Project published a technical brief in April 2006, "Building Stronger Human Resources for Health Through Licensure, Certification and Accreditation," which highlights health care regulation, quality assurance in human resources for health, licensure and registration, accreditation and credentialing mechanisms. This brief examines the characteristics and potential advantages of these mechanisms and common challenges faced in implementing them in low-resource settings.
Read the full technical brief on the Capacity Project's website.