
Example: Pilot Findings Report and Assessment Checklist

Objective Prepare a final report of the pilot findings for presentation to the SLG. Assess the results of the pilot. The purpose of the pilot is to demonstrate the effectiveness of iHRIS to stakeholders. After the pilot phase is completed, share the results with the SLG and other relevant stakeholders. This is a crucial step. […]

Example: Pilot Report

Objective Run pilot reports and present them to the SLG. The example reports from Tanzania will give you an idea of the kinds of reports and their formats that would be useful to share with stakeholders when reporting on the pilot. Pilot Reports: Concepts You should produce pilot reports showing real data from iHRIS as […]

iHRIS Training Program Materials and User’s Manuals

Objective Train data entrants, iHRIS users, and HR managers participating in the pilot on how to use iHRIS. We have provided a full set of training materials adapted from various iHRIS training programs. These training materials were developed for training users in iHRIS Manage, but can be adapted for any iHRIS training program. They include […]

Presentation: Creating a Data-Sharing Agreement

Objective With the SLG, create a data-sharing agreement to set policies for how data will be shared, used, and protected. Use the presentation to explain to the SLG the benefits of sharing data and start a discussion on the terms of data-sharing agreements. Data Sharing: Concepts There are many reasons to share data among systems. […]

Tipsheet: Iterative Software Development

Objective Develop any new software features using an iterative approach. Iterative development is a software development process that supports development of a system incrementally. The process builds in regular and frequent cycles for feedback from end users to a working, although incomplete, system. This enables the development team to deepen their learning and understanding of the […]

Example: Project Risks Status Update

Objective Document issues that come up during the pilot and consult the SLG on major changes that need to be made. This example status report from Namibia shows how to report issues that arise to the stakeholders and make recommendations for actions to take in response. Use this report as a model for documenting issues […]

Presentation: Pilot Activities and Results

Objective Meet with the SLG to share the pilot plan and decide how results will be communicated. This presentation is a template for presenting a pilot plan, which you can adapt to meet your needs. Pilot Plan: Concepts Before initiating the pilot, share the pilot plan with the SLG. The plan should include the following […]


After installation, a pilot provides the opportunity to test iHRIS on a small scale in a real-world environment, such as in one facility, district, or region. The main objective of the pilot is to determine whether iHRIS, as currently deployed, meets the HRH information needs of the SLG and identify any changes that need to […]