Template: HRIS Follow-Up Report


Create a maintenance plan for hardware and infrastructure supporting iHRIS. Follow up with users to determine how iHRIS is performing. 

Regularly check in with users and stakeholders to find out how iHRIS is performing. Are they able to easily perform job tasks using the system? Do they have a need for data not currently available in the system? Perhaps they would like to link iHRIS to another health information system or access it from a mobile device. Use the template as a guide when following up with users and documenting the results.

System Maintenance: Concepts

Managing an information system is an ongoing process. A system maintenance plan includes periodic reviews of the software to ensure that it is performing well and meeting user needs. The plan should specify the scope of the maintenance, who will provide the maintenance, and estimated costs. Also outline a process for responding to proposed changes or extensions of the system that would require customizations of the software code.

An important part of maintenance is staying informed of new software versions as they are released, and installing and testing the upgrades. This applies not only to the iHRIS software, but to all supporting software, including the operating system, database, and programming language. Monitor the ihris.org website or community forum to stay informed of new releases and other changes.

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