Example: Pilot Findings Report and Assessment Checklist


Prepare a final report of the pilot findings for presentation to the SLG. Assess the results of the pilot.

The purpose of the pilot is to demonstrate the effectiveness of iHRIS to stakeholders. After the pilot phase is completed, share the results with the SLG and other relevant stakeholders. This is a crucial step. You will have to demonstrate, based on the pilot results, that iHRIS has proved its worth and should be scaled up.

Use the evaluation checklist to quantitatively assess the pilot. Use the example report of a successful pilot in Ghana as a model of how to write the final pilot report.

The report should show how iHRIS makes a positive difference in day-to-day operations and in making crucial policy and planning decisions. Be as specific and practical as you can. Help the stakeholders to see the kind of information they can now get from iHRIS and what they can do with that information.

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